Mesothelioma is the most serious of several diseases related to asbestos so far, although asbestos can cause other cancer such as lung, esophagus, colon, rectal, stomach, vocal cords, and kidney cancer. This is because the carcinogenic effects of asbestos particles. When a person has mesothelioma, a form of membranes of flat cells -called the mesothelium- coated body cavity of the embryo and form squamous cells of the peritoneum, pericardium, and pleura. Mesothelioma often occurs in the pleural layer that surrounds the lungs and internal chest wall. Over time, mesothelioma can also develop in the lining that surrounds the abdominal cavity, peritoneum, and the sac covering the heart, the pericardium. Mesothelioma may also develop in the heart or the tunica vaginalis.
Mesothelioma is holding a poor prognosis, even when patients treated with chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Researchers are still studying the test to be most effective to detect early development of mesothelioma.
In general, those who contracted mesothelioma previously inhaled asbestos particles during work, or have been exposed to asbestos fibers. Washing clothes of someone who has been exposed to asbestos at work may also put someone at risk of contracting mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma has many symptoms, some of which include pleural effusions. Pleural effusion is shortness of breath occurs when fluid becomes trapped between the chest and lungs. Chest wall pain and weight loss are also common symptoms of mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is usually diagnosed by using the techniques of clinical and radiological. The following steps explain how to mesothelioma cancer can be diagnosed: First of all, a doctor or medical staff will ask about the past or medical history. This means that he will check that asbestos exposure have been conducted throughout the year. Patients must also take some physical tests. This will be followed by X-rays on the chest and lungs. In some cases, the use of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) can be required to diagnose mesothelioma asbestos. When shown the doubts and skepticism, some other tests such as biopsies can be done to authenticate the previous analysis performed.